Osaka, 2018
Before attempting to solve a problem, you need to first
formulate or define it. You will start to formulate the problem by defining the
cognitive gap between what is and what is desirable and delineating the
resources for closing it. Problem formulation is like an alternative route that
will bring you to the point where it’s already more than half of the way
towards the eventual elimination of the problem itself. Your analytical method of the problem formulation is used to
obtain an equation that symbolises the problem and to give sense to the use of
the social interactions comprising the same. The equation summarises all
variables partaking, including their identities.
Yet, in some cases, instead of having yourself presented by one of the variables, you tend to be left questioning more than you did in the beginning of
the formulation. And, like a bolt from the blue, you suddenly realise that you are
nowhere in the equation. No. Not even one of the parentheses placed to declare
the precedence rules to fix the ambiguities.
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